Release Notes December 8, 2023

We are closing out the 2023 year with a new Polaris release! We’ve added new features and enhancements for our dear users. We are introducing a few features and enhancements including AI-enhanced searching, improved drive-time calculations,, and more. […]

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Release Notes September 22, 2023

Enjoy the beginning of the autumn season with a new Polaris release! We’ve added new features and enhancements to Polaris to improve your workflows for our dear users. In this release, we are introducing a few features and enhancements including new buttons, easier-to-reach Weather Reports and the ability to view all maps. […]

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Release Notes July 14, 2023

Embrace the summer with an exciting Polaris release! We added new features and enhancements across Polaris to make it more personalized and more user-friendly for our valued users! We have introduced new features to POI to improve the user experience, such as the ability to customize default pins, and reporting any incorrect data points. […]

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Release Notes June 9, 2023

Summer’s here and so is a new Polaris release! We’ve made a number of updates and enhancements across the webapp, including security features for when you can’t remember your password, the ability to load multiple layered maps at once, the option to share PDF files with non-Polaris users, and much more. We’ve also made improvements to make moving labels, changing pin images, and viewing variables much easier. […]

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Release Notes April 21, 2023

The cherry blossoms are blooming, the birds are chirping, and we’re releasing new features and enhancements! Now, all new release notes will be available exclusively for you, the user, through the Polaris web app. We have also redesigned the Compare Profiles page to be more user friendly, added the ability to load multiple thematic maps at a time, and made additional improvements across the web app. […]

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Release Notes March 31, 2023

Spring is here and so is this month’s Polaris release! This month, we have added a number of updates to the Targeting module! Target projects are now easier to create with variable search, a drag and drop function, and more. You can even share your completed target project with other Polaris users! We also introduced improvements to Report Centre, Manage My Favourites, Upload Files and Mapping Centre. […]

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Release Notes February 24, 2023

This month’s Polaris release is ready for you! This month we focused on updating the Mapping Centre and Targeting modules! We improved the map’s visuals by implementing new features, such as the ability to upload KML files as Thematic files. We also introduced improvements to profiling and uploading throughout Polaris, such as exporting mobile ad IDs and new report categories. […]

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Release Notes January 17, 2023

We ring in the New Year with a new Polaris release! We have updated our data to the 2022/2023 vintage. This month’s release is focused on implementing additional customization features when comparing and uploading files. You now have the ability to set trade areas with multiple areas as benchmarks and upload customer files with coverage radius in miles. […]

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Release Notes November 28, 2022

Our release this November is focused on improving our User Interface. A big new feature is the ability to find any location on the map by searching for an address. A few other improvements include creating more space on our Compare Profiles page, sliders for adjusting maps, and some back-end improvements. If you have any feedback or questions, feel free to let us know […]

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Release Notes October 21, 2022

Spooky month brings a lot of treats and no tricks for Polaris users! We welcome Walk-Time Trade Areas, updated road networks, FSA-level customer profiling, progress bars with the ability to cancel actions, the ability to change the colour of Pre-Defined Markets, and a number of other enhancements. In the Targeting module, names for grouped and transformed variables can exceed 25 characters. […]

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