November’s release showcases several new convenient, useful features as well as multiple enhancements to continue improving the Polaris user experience. In the Targeting module, “Click to select” has replaced checkboxes on the View Target Project page, as well as the ability to keep previously selected variables after switching years in Targeting, along with further improvements. Additionally, several messages in Polaris […]
Tag: Targeting
Release Notes October 1, 2021
The release this month introduces new features as well as several enhancements to streamline Polaris users’ experience! Paging buttons were introduced, as well as loading screens. We added the ability to select multiple items with two clicks, in several data tables throughout Polaris. Some pop-up messages were added to keep users informed of the processes of Polaris. We also introduced the ability to overwrite […]
Release Notes August 10, 2021
This month’s release brings new features and sitewide enhancements. Users can now use Layered Maps to save multiple map types at once, create markets using DA and Shape files, and customize pin/logo size for POI maps. Users can also share Thematic Maps and Layered Maps with team members on Polaris. Additionally, optimized search functions and new uploading features like progress bars make Polaris faster, more efficient […]
Release Notes June 21, 2021
This release is packed with new features! Additions range from compatibility with MapInfo files to Driving Distance in POI to Export as Thematic Map in Targeting. These features work in tandem with several enhancements, making Polaris both smoother and more powerful. We added labels to Thematic Maps, enabled showing and hiding POI Pins based on the Pin Categories, […]
Release Notes April 12, 2021
This release, we bring to you some new and helpful features into the Mapping Centre that offer more information and more flexibility in how users can present their mapping data, such as the option to un-cluster pins in Heat Maps and the ability to generate reports based on driving distance. Alongside this, we deliver some various enhancements throughout Polaris to help keep your user experience as smooth and intuitive as possible. […]
Release Notes March 8, 2021
New features, enhancements, and an improved user experience-This release, we turned on features like the Data Mining module, made enhancements to custom POI pins, enabled sharing more fields within user groups, and modified the Customer Calendar in Weather Analysis to give more detailed results. We are continually adding features that make Polaris consistent throughout the whole web application. […]
Release Notes February 1, 2021
This release, we loaded a new vintage of data onto Polaris, with statistics that reflect conditions after the start of COVID. This release also enables users to use custom POI pins, move POI labels, change the colour of POI labels, choose Gravity Model centrepoints from the map, sharing markets with user’s group members, and access the Numeris Scale document for those subscribed to Numeris reports! […]
Release Notes January 11, 2021
This month’s release allows users to run Customer Profiling with Dissemination Areas (DAs), to import shapefiles into Polaris as Zone Files for Targeting, to hide Points of Interest (POIs) and POI Labels for individual points, to use a more sophisticated Gravity Model, and to download Customized Reports more quickly. We also enhanced the Feature Selection model and the User Interface. […]
Why Do Media Agencies Use Polaris Intelligence?
“What I love about Polaris is that I can take the persona from customer profiling or segmentation to messaging and the creative, to finding the right media channel in the right markets at the right times to reach the persona!” -Judy, top ad agency
“We used to just pick major markets, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal. I […]
Release Notes November 30, 2020
This month’s release allows users to import shapefiles into Polaris, create new variables with two new transformations (Divide and Subtract) for the Targeting Module, and includes new data on cottages and area calculations (land area and inhabited area). We also improved the user experience by reducing load times in the Mapping Centre and making shapes more consistent. […]