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Release Notes March 8, 2021

Release Notes March 8, 2021

New features, enhancements, and an improved user experience-This release, we turned on features like the Data Mining module, made enhancements to custom POI pins, enabled sharing more fields within user groups, and modified the Customer Calendar in Weather Analysis to give more detailed results. We are continually adding features that make Polaris consistent throughout the whole web application. […]

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Release Notes February 1, 2021

Release Notes February 1, 2021

This release, we loaded a new vintage of data onto Polaris, with statistics that reflect conditions after the start of COVID. This release also enables users to use custom POI pins, move POI labels, change the colour of POI labels, choose Gravity Model centrepoints from the map, sharing markets with user’s group members, and access the Numeris Scale document for those subscribed to Numeris reports! […]

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Release Notes January 11, 2021

Release Notes January 11, 2021

This month’s release allows users to run Customer Profiling with Dissemination Areas (DAs), to import shapefiles into Polaris as Zone Files for Targeting, to hide Points of Interest (POIs) and POI Labels for individual points, to use a more sophisticated Gravity Model, and to download Customized Reports more quickly. We also enhanced the Feature Selection model and the User Interface. […]

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Why Do Media Agencies Use Polaris Intelligence?

Why Do Media Agencies Use Polaris Intelligence?

“What I love about Polaris is that I can take the persona from customer profiling or segmentation to messaging and the creative, to finding the right media channel in the right markets at the right times to reach the persona!” -Judy, top ad agency
“We used to just pick major markets, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal. I […]

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Release Notes November 30, 2020

Release Notes November 30, 2020

This month’s release allows users to import shapefiles into Polaris, create new variables with two new transformations (Divide and Subtract) for the Targeting Module, and includes new data on cottages and area calculations (land area and inhabited area). We also improved the user experience by reducing load times in the Mapping Centre and making shapes more consistent. […]

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COVID Risk Score

COVID Risk Score

What would you do differently or change if you knew that 10 of your stores were in neighbourhoods that have extremely high COVID case counts while 90 of your stores are in neighbourhoods that are largely unaffected? You can use our heat maps to allocate resources and plan your COVID-preparedness plan for all your stores, branches, or locations across Canada. Since March 2020, each phase of COVID has infected different groups […]

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Release Notes October 30, 2020

Release Notes October 30, 2020

This month’s release includes new features like a Thematic Maps page, enabling KML file uploads, a user FAQ, sharing Customer Files, and bug fixes and enhancements. If you used Google Maps or a mapping/GIS software to create sales territories, custom regions, or other kinds of geographic shapes, you can import these shapes as Trade Areas on Polaris. The user FAQ is in the top-right corner, and can be found by clicking your user icon. […]

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Release Notes September 25, 2020

Release Notes September 25, 2020

This month’s release involves a cleaner interface, new features (support for different kinds of files), improvements to the Data Mining module, the introduction of Weather Analysis, and many bug fixes and enhancements. Census Tracts (CT) are now supported as a Trade Area! You will find this option on the drop-down while uploading, next to FSA and DA. Additionally, FSA and DA files are now under Area Based Trade Areas. […]

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Second Wave of Mortgage Deferrals Coming

Second Wave of Mortgage Deferrals Coming

More than 1.5 million Canadians (4% of the Canadian population) will likely ask for a second mortgage deferral in October 2020, and here’s why. Despite partial reopenings, spending on critical sectors is still down. Pre-COVID, 22% of Canadians were employed in these suffering sectors: retail trade (~11% of Canadians), accommodation and food services (~7%), arts (~2%), and real estate (~2%) industries! For RBC in Ontario and BC, that’s $8.5 billion of mortgages at risk! […]

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How to Find Your Top Prospects?

How to Find Your Top Prospects?

Identifying potential customers can be a challenging and time consuming task. Taking a shot in the dark on who and where your targets results in less success when trying to close a prospect. Prospecting is further complicated by the fact that there are many options you can choose to search for your targets. Options range from search engines (be it LinkedIn or Google), to more high end solutions involving surveys and data analysis but these tend to be time consuming and challenging to execute. […]

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